I love watching the movie again and again and specially Optimus and when he talks like a leader and takes lead before his team of Autobots. As a human We need to learn several traits from character of Optimus and one of the most important is “Leadership”, he teaches us how a do we have to go forward and take head on to enemies before our team does, He teaches us that we all must respect freedom of thought and action of others rather than pressurising people what you think. He compels us to think that even if we are the most emotional creature on this earth, A prime has more of this chemical than us and he tell us how to take responsibility
Michal bay is able to draw characters with a fantastic human touch, while watching transformers I always feel like I am watching Human and “close to human type species” are working together and fighting to save humanity from a bad “close to human type robot”, whose single motive is destruction. The conversations never feel like you are in front of a non-human and that makes Transformers very special. You fall in love with the characters because we feel like one in ourselves, we feel so connected to them because we need few leaders of our world to be like Optimus, who are ready to take charge for good
The stories may be full of confusing and turns and logics but the screenplay is superb, the people behind movie know how to present what they think or write on paper, the best part still remains the conversion of vehicles in “Transformers” which is made to win heart and you feel like you could be one of them. Animations are top class and action are fantastically synchronised with humans in movie.
Sometime the movies remind me of Jurassic Park series which itself is a landmark in world entertainment.
In first three movies Shia LaBeouf has acted fantastic and in complete synch with the theme of movie, in fourth one Mark Whalberg could do close to justice with the character and I expect him to do better for next parts. The female lead characters in first three movies just added glamour and nothing else, I see a Katreen Kaif in Megan for.leats acting and all attempts to act but fails.
Can’t write more than this but I love watching it again and again!