Graphics and animation have reached a new level altogether in this movie. Packed with fantasy, fiction and stunts galore, ‘Transformers’ brings to life cartoon characters we’ve enjoyed since our childhood.
The cinematographers have paid great attention to the audience, by purposefully slow-motioning certain parts of action scenes, so that they can be enjoyed fully.
The plot is a bit lame and run-of-the-mill. The concept of aliens coming to Earth to sort out their problems, is nothing new.
Also, there was no need to put in a teeny-bopper romance on the side.
I completely fail to see its necessity, especially in a movie focused on
stunts, special effects, action scenes and screenplay.
The on-screen chemistry (non-existent) between Rachael Taylor and Shia Labeouf might have come across better, if they were to play the part of estranged siblings, coming together to save Earth.
Peter Cullen (voice of Optimus Prime) sounds a lot like Sean Connery, but Bumblebee (voiced by Mark Ryan) is the one Transformer I’m sure everyone will always want to stay behind on Earth.
Definitely a kiddie/family movie, with stunts and action that can be enjoyed at all ages. Don’t pay too much attention to the acting, the plot, or the dialogue delivery. Focus on the action. It’s good, real good.
Happy waching! :)