For someone whos grown up on Transformer
comics, you will be blown away. Unlike a wave of new comic-to-film movies that
have changed the plot lines to suit the general public, Transformers has been
true to the original plot line right to the tee. They have exchanged a
Wolkswagon Beatle for a Camero, but no ones complaining.
The movie is a visual treat. The plot is engaging and the script is brilliant.
I was most impressed that they didnt make it a retarded geek flick. It
actually had some intelligent humour, brash when needed, subtle when suitable
and down right funny on the bone . rare for an action film.
The casting was excellent and introduced at the right moments in the movie. And
they really did make those CG robots act.
Forgive me but I need to add this … The craziest
moments for me were the EMP discharges, the Autobot beacon and Decepticon
mobilisation(Please reply with your favourites). Mind blowing overall … getting Goosebumps recalling the whole thing:) … The best part of it was that my wife and bhaabi enjoyed it too …
more brownie points for Bro and I.
Please see it on a big screen.