The 5th film in the series of Transformer: The last knight.
Cast : Mark walberg, Anthony Hopkins, Laura Hedek, Jim Carter( voice)
Director: Michael Bay
Duration : 2.34 hrs
Mark Walberg has done a great job with his Action skills and done a great job as a single father in the movie. Laura hedek has stepped in for the first time in Transformer and showed his potential. besides Anthony hopkins has left the legacy even in his small role.
In the first half you will see Interfight b/w transformers but in second half you will get to see the horrible war b/w trasformers. you will be amazed by the action scenes , better not to close your eyes. movie is also dubbed in hindi
But if you are not an action lover this movie is not your cup of tea. 2 more sequels has already been annouce which is coming in june 2018 and june 2019. Because of too much violence in the movie Censor Board has given A certificate.
This is a must watch movie for everyone. I will prefer you to watch in 3D or IMAX . ??
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