I recently moved my household good from Faridabad to Bangalore using Transworld( https://transworldintl.com). I chose them after reading some positive reviews but was very disappointed with their service quality. First, they charged an exorbitant fee very close to what Agarwal charges making them feel like high quality.
Second, I was tricked into selecting a very high quote for insuring my items only to learn later that I wasnt supposed to valuate my goods at actual value. None of the TWP folks mentioned this to me.
In fact, their moving staff literally were reluctant to budge from the high insurance cost they added saying that it cannot be lowered as it has already been quoted to me!
The packers came on a Sunday and said they will complete all packing in a single day. That they did. They had around 10 people come for packing and loading. Initially, everyone worked hard. Towards the evening, half the folks disappeared and were sitting at my apartment building entrance and having fun.
Two sincere guys spent the next four hours packing stuff they could have completed in 1/2 hr.
Next, this is where things were exposed on their level of professionalism. The next day I asked for status of my goods and the coordinator said they have left in a single trailer truck to Bangalore. I repeatedly asked if this is the case as they came with two tiny trucks for taking my stuff. THEY LIED. It took me 12 long days to get my stuff when other movers were doing it in less than a week.
Worst, they split my stuff in two separate trucks and sent it all the way to Bangalore. One truck arrived first and the other arrived days later. THE RESPONSE I WAS GIVEN WAS THAT I ASKED FOR STORAGE IN BANGALORE and hence it was sent that way. The truth is I had only checked if free storage was available for a few days after arrival in Bangalore, but never confirmed or asked for it.
TWP merely assumed that I wont be able to finalize a home sooner and sat on my packages without sending them until I shared my home address. They never even mentioned about different trucks when taking my stuff.
At Bangalore, I was constantly following up to find the status of my goods(no proactive communication from anyone) and after feeling sorry for me, they sent the first batch of items to my home. NONE OF THE EXPENSIVE HOUSEHOLD items were in this batch. The second batch came 3 days later and the delivery folks were polite enough to come on a holiday to my home.
The most expensive part of my goods was a sofa set. A big three seater. The 3 seater was brought up stairs(or maybe down) but it had stitches opened up in two places and gashes on the leather casing in two other places. TWP talked about the risk of going with insurance for such things and asked me to consider fixing the issue on my own for Rs. 2000.
I had also sent my car with them. The car arrived on time but with no fuel in it. I had filled enough fuel and in fact gave Rs. 500 to the driver at Faridabad to fill more. They ate that money and had the audacity to tell that my car’s fuel gauge was faulty and is not right. I even went to the extent of checking with a dealer only to find that everything was alright with the car. One of my beds had some wood chipped off and while unpacking a mattress, there were knife gashes on them from the quick unpacking that was done. Minor offenses related to a move.
Overall, the staff were very polite through this frustration of mine. But, for the money I paid, the service level expectation I had and what I eventually got, I was not at all happy.I believe any other mover could have done the same with lesser money. They tried to milk the maximum benefit from a revenue and cost standpoint with my move and tried to smartly cover it up. I would recommend people to go with some other packer who can do a better job.