HELLO FRIENDS, nearly eight days before I booked a hotel thru indiatimes website and paid by itz cash card. I got my order confirmation nuimber and the payment was made clear via my itz cash card. now even after eight days I called many times to the call centree of indiatimes to get the confirmation of my hotel the call centree people the call centre people says they dont have any idea of the order number and they gave me another telephone number of some other person who handles the hotel booking for india times. from last four days I am keep on calling him and he is daily saying that is has not received any such order number then he says may be my payment is in pipeline.
ha ha, what the hell do they mean by pipeline when my payment was made to them instantly by my its cash card. is it not a fair case of harresment. the call centre of indiatimes is totally silly and those fellows are never aware of anything. they dont at all give suitable responces to clients complaints.
I request you all to be aware of all facts while booking any hotel bookings with india time.
even with regard to the auction tickets you will not be able to do your auction because you will get a command that you are not authentecated please try again. when I made this complaint to them their call centree people told me that they dont know anything about auction ticket of airlines in indiatimes. then why on earth indiatimes is not appointing well trained staff. even the call centre people dont even give you e mail ids or contact numbers of any higher authorities to whom we can complaint.
so in advertising these web sites boast a lot that they are the best but you will really feel guilty when you get hang up with them. take care friends, its your hard earned money which is geting stuck in their pipelines.
I request if any of the indiatimes group reads the review to give beter service to its clients and also solve my issue of hotel booking as I had already spent over rs 500/- in making std call upon them for such a small issue which is now spoiling their reputation.
MOREOVER dear reader if you check these websites never give in details the contact numbers or e mail ids of higher level authorities which can be handy in case of any greviences, the only e mail id which u will get is feedback@ so and so for which the reply never never never comes atleast you got to wait 25 years for the reply from any feedback @ so so .com
vinay khemka