I booked flight tickets on travel.indiatimes and they advertised a 15% cash back. But when I called up indiatimes they told that it is only 500 bucks cash back.
I did not receive the cash back until a long time. I had already left hopes of getting it as there was no one to follow up with or even no mail was sent from their side to claim that there is a 500Rs cash back which is supposed to happen in future.
Another time when I booked a flight ticket, these people called me up on the cell telling that dont book through the site instead book on the phone. The reason given was that the system is FED up at the moment, so book on the phone. For this I was to give my credit card details over the phone. I dont know if that is safe thing to do to give ur cc number on the phone, so I refused the help and booked over the internet.
This ticket also had a 1500 givt certificate associated with it. I was happy that I can buy something on indiatimes shopping. But this gift certi was valid only on items which had price > 15000 bucks. Alas no use of the gift certi. Their promo schemes like this one are carefully crafted to attract customers and then leave them empty handed. They know how to extract money out of the customers.