I booked a return flight (Delhi Ahmedabad) on 17th September. Immediately after booking, I realized a mistake in the flight timing and called up the customer service to get that corrected. I was told that I will get a call back shortly, but I didn’t get any call.
I called up the customer service again on 18th September and got the same assurance (someone will call back shortly). Sure enough, someone called me in next 15 minutes and I discussed my problem with her. She seemed to be lost and said that she needs to consult. I was told to expect another call shortly. However, nothing happened
This is so much irritating because I have booked a return flight, which will become useless unless my problem is fixed. My inability to get this corrected is so frustrating. It is more irritating because I am not getting the help their customer service cell is supposed to give.
*As on 25th September:
*I wrote a mail to feedback@travelguru.com (on 18th itself) however did not get any response.
I again called up their customer care today and ranted about the lack of service from them. This customer service guys tried to be helpful and again repeatedly assured that I will get a call from their ticketing department within next 15 minutes. When I blasted that I cannot trust TG any more and what does he propose to do if I do not get the call, he said he will call me up in 20 minutes to confirm whether I have received call or not.
Sure enough, the ticketing department couldnt be less bothered and they didnt call me. Customer service guy call me up after 20 minutes and I duly updated him. He followed up with ticket dept and got my flight rescheduled at any additional cost of Rs. 1200 to me (which wouldnt have become due had they acted promptly).
I demanded to lodge a formal complaint and was put to a supervisor. He did listen to all my bable patiently and then put me on hold on the pretext of checking up the information. The call was conveniently disconnected after 10 minutes, without any response at all.
The feeling of helplessness is so goddamn frustrating.