Travel Guru advertises, on their website as well as in the press, that if you book your airline ticket through them and pay by your visa card, you get a discount. My Platinum card entitled me to a 25 % discount, or so I thought.
My dictionary defines discount as " a reduction made from a regular or list price". Taking that at face value, I assumed that if I paid Rs 1000 as the basic fare for my ticket, I would be billed only Rs 750 plus taxes etc.
However, TravelGuru apparently uses a different dictionary ! I was billed the full amount and given a "discount voucher", which entitled me to a discount on my *next *booking through them, not the current one ! And to add to my disappointment the discount voucher was not valid for travel, but only for hotel rooms or holidays booked through them !!
The proper thing to do is to make the terms of the offer clear in the advertisements