I have my sister currently put up in Kerla( Diwali Vacation 2007) with 2 bookings in Thekkaddy and Allepy both the places she has the comfirmed booking printout form Travelguru (Travel Ids - 43024 & 41647). On calling the respective hotels they say that they havent received any intimation about the booking whereas Travelguru says that her booking in confirmed. Travelguru representative in Kerla Mr.Arun is not ready to speak to the hotel he says that I will get it done somehow untill you reach the hotel and he has given his Cell Phone number which I can share if required.
Now it has once happened(trip id 43024) that we were on the reception of the hotel and we were redirected to another hotel by travelguru person at the last moment and with the another one we dont know if we will get a booking somewhere or not.
Now, when one goes in for a Vacation he/she wants to relax and enjoy instead here you have to take the headace of your bookings for which you have already paid in advance. On top of it the customer service always says that they will call back in stipulated time but never return the call. You know everytime you call there is a new person handling the call and the story goes on and on....
*Hopeless Customer Service no Cordination between Hotel and Travelguru and to top it up they say u have our cell phone number keep faith in us..... how can one do that.....
Never Travel with Travelguru....*