Travel Guru are cheats and do not respond as they think, what can a customer do. They need to be taught a leason
I booked hotel at Surat for 28th Dec.07 and booking was confirmed with reference ID TGU0000056309. When I reported at hotel I was shocked to find that there was no booking and my credit card was already charged. The hotel front desk incharge informed that since they have yet to recieve more than 3 months old payments, they have therefore not entertaining any booking from Travel Guru. I had no other alternative but to take no booking conformation in writing with their stamp on booking copy . I contacted Travel Guru number of times and spoke to one Mr Amit without any help. I have sent them three complaints as advised to Travel Guru people have not responded to my complaint even once and no refund has been made till date. Their stand reply when you ring is to write at above refered email address.
They have done fraud on me by charging my credit card and not providing services for the same, wasted my time, caused me mental agony & I had to pay higher amount for new hotel.
I suggest that all people who have suffered due to such fraud by Travel Guru should file complaint with District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum and teach them a leason so that such things are not repeated with new customers, who have no knowledge of their service. I plan to do so in first week of Feb.08