I had a pathetic experience with TravelGuru.com.
Almost a week back, I had booked THREE tickets on Air Sahara for Bangalore to Delhi through TravelGuru.
But, the problem is that I just recieved ONE ticket. Yes, just one ticket instead of three I had ordered for.
So, I called them up at their number provided on the website and told them about this issue. The lady on the other side told me that all three tickets have been dispatched, and asked me to check up with the courier guys. What the heck man? Its not my headache that I should call each and every person in the chain who is involved in booking/delivery of tickets. I have given money, and in return I should get the service. They should enquire about the tickets from their courier company. Why should I?
Anyways, I called up overnite express, the courier company, gave them the POD no. of the dispatched packet. They told me that they have delivered all the tickets. Damn!!
I really dont know what to do. The customer care executives at TravelGurus call center seem to be helpless.
I dont know why companies dont lay too much emphasis on call centers. They are sometimes the only contact points with their customers, and the way these customer executives behave, invariably shows the company in poor light. More often than not, these so called customer care executives are dumb, and just keep on blabbering mugged up sentences.
So, after that I sent this email to service@travelguru.com and feedback@travelguru.com ids:
Dear Sir/Mam,
This is to inform you that I had booked tickets through your website for 3 persons from Bangalore to Delhi flight on Air Sahara S2-XXX XX/06/2006 [Booking Reference No. XXXX]. The tickets were booked in names of (see attached screenshots):
But, I have recieved only ONE ticket (in name of XXXX). The other two tickets HAVE NOT been delivered to me so far.
I tried contacting you customer service department through your feedback form on your site couple of times, but I havent recieved any reply from your site till now.
I also called up your customer care number provided on the website. Your customer care executives told me that all tickets have been dispatched, and that too in the single packet. If they have been dispatched, why have I got only ONE ticket? Where have the other TWO tickets gone? She also told me that somebody from ticketing department of TravelGuru will call me up. But, I havent recieved any call as of yet.
This is the first time I had tried TravelGuru. And, I am sorry to say that the experience has been pathetic so far. No wonder people are afraid of using web for doing financial transactions.
I hope to see a speedy reply to this mail. Atleast, your customers deserve this much from your side.
With this email, I had requested a read reciept as well. Couple of minutes later I got one read receipt from somebody named Ashwin Damera. With little googling, I came to know that this guy is CEO of TravelGuru.
But, I got no reply from them till late last night.
So, today morning, I decided to go to their office. There I talked to couple of their employees. Luckily, they admitted their mistake, and told me that they will reissue the tickets. And, asked me that either I can collect the tickets from their office in the evening, or they can dispatch them by courier. But, I dont want to take another chance with their logistics department. I will be personally going again to their office to collect the tickets.