In the main page, you will see this. We guarantee youll win! If you dont win something within 5 minutes, well cut you a check for $100, guaranteed. Do you believe this?
I believed this, when I found this site by chance, while surfing the net. I believed the terrible monkey and played a few games too. The game is monotonous, as you just keep clicking on the tree, following the monkeys clues.
You can see the pictures of three monkeys and a green tree. The first monkey holding a cash bag and saying that theyve given away a lot of cash! He also tells you to check out all their lucky winners in their Hall of Fame.
The second monkey is holding something like a plate and wants you to sign up. He says, if you sign up, theyll give $20 in Banana Bucks, absolutely free !
The third monkey invites you for a chat with friends, to make new friends. He says theyve got live real - time customer support in their chatrooms.
Imagine, I believed all these and wasted my precious time . Now Im happy that the monkey cannot cheat me anymore ! You learn through mistakes, right?
Well, for people who wish to know what the treeloot game is , it is an online, highly interactive game where players can win cash. Thats what they say! A player simply clicks on their money tree for a chance to win a prize. Its a simple game. But, eventually you get bored after finding out for yourself, what the monkey is really up to! Yes, there is a catch !
You can see some advertisements at the top of the pages while playing the game. As you keep clicking on the online tree, you get messages like asking you to visit sponsors, register on sponsor sites and do what the silly monkey says!
You got it now, if you are clever! Treeloot makes the money, whenever you click on the online tree and not you !
Frankly, in my opinion, if you have a few minutes to spare or waste, you can play with this cute monkey. You know very well this is a scam and you dont get a cent for playing this game. This is a looting monkey and you can very well stay away from it, unless you feel like playing with it for some time.