I think that this has got to be the funniest comedy program I have ever seen. I just love the ‘p*ss take’ attitude. Basically it’s lots of different scenes, all just as funny as each other. Some examples are the mobile phone man. This happens to be my favourite character. A mobile phone will go off in a busy place with loads of people around and the bloke brings out this HUGE phone and yells into it “hello!!!”. Naturally everyone looks round, he then proceeds to have an entire conversation in his loudest possible voice.
Another extremely funny scene was where he pretended that he was locked in his house and phoned for pizza and got them to post each piece through the letterbox. The Satan scene was brilliant, bloke dressed as a devil knocked on someones door telling them that he was from the Satanic Society and they were recruiting new members. If you have the sort of sick twisted humour and enjoy watching the p*ss being taken out of people you will definitely enjoy this program. You can also get a Trigger Happy DVD which has loads of clips on it. I have watched it loads of times and it’s still funny!