Chatting has become the most favourite past time for us.
In this fast paced, net connected world we only have these chatting clients to keep in touch with our friends. now lets see what all we have among us.
we have messengers from aol, msn, yahoo, rediff , indiatimes etc. these all are free , but how u dreamt of 1 single sleek
client which would cater to all ur needs.
developed by cerulean studios its absolutely free and now in version 0.74 .it can be downloaded from
Well lets see what u get with it .
1.First of all u will be able to connect to 5 different chat networks viz MSN, YAHOO, AOL, ICQ @ IRC .
plus u dont have to get an new account for that.
just type in ur account name and password and chat away with ur dear ones.
2.Most of us have more than one account with the same network .Any other client wont allow you to connect to two account at the same time , but with trillian you can simultaneously connect to same network with two different ids (for ex as well as
3.Triilain is fully customisable.Multiple users using the same copy of Trillian? You can use Trillian with totally different settings, account information, contact list and more by logging in with different profiles.
4.Clean, Painless Installation .
5.U can send files to ur contacts by simply drag and drop or by using right-click.
6.Message history:- I find this feature very keeps track of all what u talked with ur friends for any future references.(dont be afraid can be turned off or password protected)
7.Its skinable :- there are many skins available on the net .just download the one u like and put it on .
8.Vast array of similies and emotion;- more than any other I have seen yet.
there are many other features which you can read at the website.There may be some deficits like u cant connect to chat room with msn and yahoo thru it but still it has more than u need. for the time being just download it and see the difference it makes to ur chatting experience