Trinity Hospitals is one of the best known hospitals in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.I completely agree with this statement even after the bad experience I had at this hospital four year back.I should blame my bad luck at that time rather than any hospital.My sister delivered her first baby in that hospital.After the delivery the baby was kept in the baby room that was really away from the mother, coz the baby was underweight.One member of the family was asked to stay with the baby for the night. The baby attender was not provided with proper facilities.There was a chair with its back broken, so the attender had no chance to even rest his back the whole night.
And the ordeal started at 11pm when the time for sleeping came up.Along with all the patients and attenders in the hospital, the duty nurses also doze off to sleep.The whole night I was sitting on the back broken chair like an owl waiting for my little niece to open her eyes.
What I would like to point out at this juncture is...............
1.what is the need of a night duty nurse in the hospital if she is gonna sleep the whole time?
2.Cant such a reputed hospital provide a proper chair in the baby room for the attender to sit atleast
I am sure that my review will enrage the hospital authorities.I expect that the hospital authorities take heed to the facilities provided to the patients attenders.