Hello friends today I am going to tell about the upcoming movie tubelight which will be releasing on 23 th of june. The star cast of this film are salman khan, sohail khan and zhu zhu. It is directed by kabir khan. The budget of this film is 100 crore. The concept of this film is very good. But I want to remind tou that this film is copy of hollywood film little boy. If you had watched the movie little boy then you dont have to watch the film tubelight because the film is exact copy of the hollywood film little boy. That the main thing I dont have any interest on this film. This film is useless. No more thing is added on this film. Todays world people want more conceptional film and entertaining movie but if you watching this movie as the film in another film then the film will be no attractive. I would like to say that if you have watched that hollywood little boy movie then dont watched the movie tubelight . If you have interest on salman khan then you can watch it.