Story- Two Brothers live in a village which near Indo-china is mentally dismissed( salman) and second one is solder( sohail) . When sohail go to war with china, a news comes that sohail kidneeped by china army. The movie about love of two brothers and believe of faith.
Acting- Salman plays a role of bharat very good and sohail palys laxman also good.zhu zhu chinese actress play a hindi movie debue role very well but Matin rey tangu play good role but not best as compare to Munni in BB.other supporting actors play good.
Direction, editing, screenplay- All side of movie direction is very bad by Kabir Khan who direct Blockbuster BB.Screenplay is also bad with predict movie.
Music- In such a average movie music is stronger point of this movie which directed by talented pritam. All songs are batter and flow with this movie.
Overall- ( 2/5)* BO 100-130 cr.