Hello guys myself akash and now a review on the movie which stars one and only sallu.As every fan of salman wait for eid to have a release of sallu bhai.
Talking about the movie this movie is based on the indo-china war way back in 1963. This film also stars salmans brother sohail khan. This story is situated in a small village. It is a big release of salman khan everyone was waiting till is announced way back yesteryear.
The performance is looking awesome in trailer and is worth watching this movie because is based on indian army. Salmans struggle to free his brother from chinese the whole movie is all about this.
The music which is used to be very great in every salman movie is not that great this time.music is poor .
The cinematography looks awesome . The locations and all are very perfect . It looks pretty good in trailers. Lets see how his audience reacts to it.
According to me this movie is worth to watch and just go for it. Even though you are a fan of salman or not.