I had a very great relation with my literature teacher in school, so when it was the last day of the school, he gifted me with a copy ofTuesdays with Morrie written by Mitch Albom. The tagline on the cover of the book was "an old man, a young man, and lifes greatest lesson". Basically his caught my interest and I started reading he book.
My goodness! the writing style of Mitch Albom is so captivating(or so I felt due to a int of philosophical lines) that I read the book in one go.
I cried, laughed, smiled, felt content; basically enjoyed multiple emotions while reading the book.
My emotions were never so much touched by any other writer in English literaure like Mitch did.The Five People You Meet In Heaven is another writing of Mitch Album which you should also read. If you love his writing style then you must read that book too.