The Tuljabhavani Temple is a very old temple from the times of Sri Rama. Shivaji the great ruler, was a great devotee of the diety here, and would always take her blessings before going out for any wars. This temple is having a jagrut deity, that means one can feal the vibrations of the diety if one is pure and close to divinity. There is a power which can heal or give solace to any problem.
When Rama was on his search for Sita, on her abduction by Ravana, he had stood here and asked for directions. It was then that the goddess appeared and showed him the way. When she appeared, He had said Tu Ka Aie. Meaning Is ist You Mother. Tu Ka Aie became Tulja and mother became bhavani.
There is stone here which sugests that ur worry will be resolved or not. One has to keep ones hand over it. If the stone moves to the right, work shall be done, if it moves to left, the answer is no. This stone has a scientific principle and it works on the basis of ones subconscious state of mind, feeling the positive or negative vibrations from a person. One should surely try it.
This diety is a kuldevi or family diety of many people in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka and AP. Blessed are the souls who have her grace, do visit it once and get grace showered on you. The divine will will help you rech there, and garness her blessings.