I dont know when the film makers will understand that when they are making an erotically inclined movie, then they need to make just that and nothing else. The movie ?TUM? is very similar to Paap in treatment. Very much like Paap, in this movie too, the story digressed into too many things without good reason. Paap was better, as it had better screen presence of the actors, and much better direction. The movie seems to be inspired from the movie ?Unfaithful (I am not sure about the name)?. But only the inspiration part is valid, everything else has been confused to the extent of stupidity.
The Story
The story is based on the ramifications of a single night encounter between inebriated Manisha and lecherous Karan Nath. The act was supported by a fantastic song ?Kyon Mera Dil?. The way the lecher Karan Nath is, he couldn?t control his desire for the lady voluptuous (at least Karan Nath thought so), and then kept haunting her through out the movie, much against her wishes. This is where the story starts digressing.
Unlike in unfaithful, where the large portion of the movie was devoted to the sexual encounters between a similarly attracted, but much sexier and cooler, guy and a lady in similar state, though not affected by moral bounds. But in this movie, the lady is too concerned about her moral identity than sexual identity, and so the digression to fill the gaps.
The movie almost ended at the very moment Manisha felt remorseful at the thought of having had sex with another guy. After that, all her anxiety and Karan Naths attempts looked so very artificial. Nobody can be so frightened by a single night unintentional mistake. One doesn?t become unfaithful by just having entered into a relationship unless one feels the urge to betray his faithful life partner time and again, which was not the case with Manisha, therefore the anxiety was unnecessary.
Karan Nath?s longingness was even more artificial; at the end of the day, he had got attracted to an old hag that should have died down with time, especially if you have a very beautiful other option (Karan Nath?s model girlfriend) and all the fun you had was with an inebriated unresponsive lady (the effect can?t last very long). The story becomes even more stupid and boring with the entry of Mr Aman Verma. His role in the movie is a complete nuisance, garnished by the stupid acts of his police team. As expected, Karan Nath was killed by someone by the end of the movie, and the erotically inclined movie suddenly turns into a murder mystery. And this is where Mr Aman Verma try to entertain the audience with his acting(?????). Mr Verma this was no game show, this was a movie.
Anyways, in the end, an unexpected customer turns out to be a murderer. I don?t mind breaking the suspense (actually there is not much to break), but let me not, just out of morality. All in all, by the end of the movie, I had forgotten whatever erotic encounters had taken place earlier in the movie, and was just waiting for the movie to end.
The Acting
The lesser said the better. This year?s award for worst acting goes to Mr. Aman Verma for his disgusting performance in ?TUM?. I wish it could happen. Nevertheless others were not far behind. Karan Nath was fine everywhere else except then when it was needed the most. He just doesn?t know how to enjoy sex. The maximum liberty he was given was to kiss his sex partners, and that even he couldn?t do well. It could be observed as if he was feeling burdened with the idea of having screen sex.
I thought it only happened to women?! Otherwise he was ok. Manisha, I think should quit taking up these kinds of glamorous roles. Her body doesn?t allow it. She has grown fat in a bad way, which doesn?t look sexy any more. I really feel pity for her. The girl beautiful of ?1942 ? A love Story? has done this to herself. It?s unbelievable! Otherwise, she was, as always, good at acting. Rajat Kapoor was most natural, however.
The Movie Overall
The movie over all is a total waste of time. I strongly recommend against watching this movie, even then if you insist, take your newspaper and torch along (I know it will come handy).