I watched this movie two days ago because of vidya balan. She didnt make me disappointed. This movie has a theme. Now a days everyone wants to hold very high positioned job. But she enjoys her every small winnings. Movie starts with tug of war like game i.e. Spoon lemon game, she secured 2nd position in this game. She manages her house quite well. The chemistry between sulu and her husband sometimes goes that much crazy that we burst into laughter at those moments. She spents her life quite happily until she didnt receive call from radio wow where in some contest she has won pressure cooker. She goes there and after seeing a poster she also wants to be a radio rj. Everyone present there makes fun of her. She gives audition but they dont select her. After some days neha dhoopiya from radio wow calls her and offer that job to her. Since it was a night show therefore her family members go against her but she doesnt quite the job until her son goes missing. Ashokas job was in danger due to his new so called boss, so he also quit his job and both start a tiffin service but at last we come to know that sulu still works with radio wow. This movie can be watched once. Songs are not so much soothing but ok. Cinematography is also not upto the mark but yeah there is something in the movie from which we can learn the way of living our life.