My insurance was about to expire and with the fear of being fined for a stupid reason I was trying to get a insurance. Thats when I came across Turtlemint and I decided to give it a go, not realizing that would be something I would be repenting in the future. I made the paymenyt and kept using the bike carefree. Untill the moment I was stopped by a RTO cop. He checked the documents online, everything was fine and he said Insurance? I said its there sir, got it done made the payment. He said everything is okay but it doesnt show here that your vehicle is insured! No way he let me go, he fined me and when I got home contacted these people. They said its a technical issue and well get on it ASAP. Well that never happened and I didnt wish to get fined again for that stupid reason. So got my vehicle insured from another company and never really got refunded for whatsoever reason. Strongly not recommend it.