Blame it on his genes or his basic instincts, but Tushar Kapoor has been making a fast progress to being labeled the worst hero in Bollywood. he has not been able to still come up on his own so far. Seems to be surviving only because of the name tag of his. In fact this fellow is not really up to the mark because of which not even one single movie of his is a hit.
The reason why people like his bag roles is because of the high level associations which the freshers and starters do not manage. They just position themselves on the front row and get all that they want leaving behind the deserving ones. Tushar Kapoor is also the most ill-mannered and rude actors ever found in the glamour industry. He has perhaps got the most cunning way to get to the top. Literally he is a back stabber with all the vices built in him. I have heard stories where he snubs at people who he feels is getting in his way.
All these girls and boys who want to be heard and seen get discouraged and back out sometimes owing to pressures of dogs like Tushar Kapoor. Maybe because of his rich-spoilt-brat attitude, all he knows is to look down upon his counterparts. In this massive crowd of performers he has been successful in projecting himself as the epitome of misbehaviour.
Most of the co-stars, directors and other concerned people at work find it difficult to cooperate with him. And usually such situations are created where people have to change themselves instead of change seen in the person concerned. Sad bad mad world!! At his age he seems to be the worst example for those who dont call the shots.
Recently he was even quoted passing dirty comments on a few successful heroines and claiming he was better. And if he is indeed why does not he manage a neat performance. Above all in a vast pool of talents, it is people like Tushar Kapoor who grab the opportunities.
Literally speaking they just snatch it just because they are kin to people related to the industry in the past. I suppose this whole industry is now dominated by these people. And in case they dont find a place to stay in level with othiss they come up with home productions from their respective home studios like the Roshan family. If we just scrap these people and make way for the other talents waiting I am sure this industry would reach astronomical heights and achieve global standards. And we have been seeing this after the coming up creative and trained talents over the recent years.
This phase in the industry came in only after the underworld lost its control in financing and other background activities like before. But now it is high time for people like Tushar Kapoor to step down or at least refurbish themselves, both in their work skills and character-wise (most importantly).
First of all they put the image of our country down when people from another place in the globe watch them. And secondly they are an insult to the well deserving budding stars who are yet to make their moves, who are smart and built up of high quality stuff. Tushar Kapoor and his likes are the ones who just claw each others? eyes out in their quest to be on top. God knows with what calibre do they ask for such an esteemed position and also such exorbitant amounts.
To top it all, their portrayal comes with all those candy floss make ups, vamp looks and the ugliest eyes ever seen on screen. I believe many would feel like puking at the glimpse of those eyes. It is our foolishness that we tolerate such a catastrophe.