Recently there is a TV show which is hosting in a popular tamil channel, where they show the half image of an actor / actress and wanted us to guess them. The worst part comes next... We need to call them immediately to the phone number which is displayed there and tell the right answer... So, no big deal, but why and where are they cheating ??? read below.
The number which they display is a special commercial number which will charged @ Rs. 10/- minute, when somebody calls the call will be picked up in a second and they will place on hold for several minutes, okay will the call be retrieved, no not at all, one of my friend tried and they picked up the call immediately, so he was very much surprised as he is the one who will be trying to all most all the TV shows and will always hear the busy tone or the message always, but here the situation is different, as soon as they picked up, they placed on hold and we were watching the program, the two comperes were keep on talking to the viewers on the TV, but none of them releasing the hold, also there is a flash news which is scrolling states that the call charge is Rs.10/- min and it will be calculated even if you are on hold and if you dont want to hold, just drop the call and callback again to start a new account.
The comperers will not retrieve the call all for all the 90 minutes the show runs, even if somehow they retrieve the call in sake of retrieving, suddenly we will hear the engaged sound, we watched the show for 3 days none of the day they have spoken to any one or distributed the money. Just imagine if 100 people calls and was held the line for 90 mins, 90 mins x Rs. 10 x 100 people (approx.) = 90, 000/- it is just a approx. calculation the held line can even go up.