Hi guys I am facing a problem with buying a new bike
my selection is between 4 bikes mainly
avg is ok
150 cc bike
looks are good
price is affordable
the only problem I am facing about it is whether it will give me a problem with its speedometer during rainy seasonssss or not
(i need your suggestions)
2>tvs flame
avg 60-65
problem of vibrations
my frnds are telling me that it will definitely giv som problems of vibrations when it goes abvo 50km/h
price 60000-63000
avg very poor
looks bulky
problem with avg
price is similar
avg is ok
no major informations about it
now my major selection is to be made bet ween two b.i.k.e.s
ie apache and hunk
for apache I am confused bcz of its problems with digital speedometer
whether it will give some problems during rains or not
and in hunk the avg is very poor
so which one is good apache or hunk
frnds kindly send your comments as quick as possible
so that I can make a decision