My brother recently purchased the Apache RTR 160 (new model with air scoops and extended wheel base). Both of us loved the bike when it comes to things like clip on handle bars, rear set foot pegs, toe shifter for shifting gears and lightweight sleek break pedal, big petal disc break, wide front tyre. The bike was purchased just a week ago and it costed 66, 035 Rs INR in Bangalore.
Its too early to judge on things like Fuel consumption. The riding position is sporty. Before buying please check if its OK for you. Most of us are used to the typical commuter riding position as most bikes manufactured here make the rider sit at almost vertical (90 degree) position or upright position in the seat. I have a pulsar 150 and it has an almost vertical seating position with foot pegs at normal position. since I was used to this position I found apache RTR seating position and faced mild problems peddling with the toeshifter which is rear set. I think it will get used to after some time.
The gear ratios are not tall. Its pretty short gear ratio. As per my knowledge Unicorn, CBZ Extreme come with a tall gear ratio especially on 5th gear or overdrive gear. This makes long distance rides nice and smooth. To understand this better apache RTR makes 50kmph at 4000 rpm (engine revolutions per minute). While CBZ or unicorn would do approx 60Kmph at the same engine rpm.
This is something which I noticed. So definitely RTR would be fun to drive or zip through city roads, gullies, towns and even with a heavy pillion rider due to this shorter gear ratio and a good torque distribution. But I dont think long drives would be more fun than driving CBZ.
The RTR engine sounds great and the beat sounds healthy. No niggles or silly sounds at all. Fit and finish is better than many other bikes. Switch quality is good and paint job as well. The MIG shock absorbers do a good job. I have kept the spring load setting at the lowest position although. I have read that the ride in RTR is stiff. I feel that this could be attributed to the low profile tyres used in this bike in the rear.
When it comes to handling and breaking its a gem of a bike. Front petal discs which are 270mm in diameter do a great job. Solid breaking !!! I had a look at the airfilter. I somewhat resembles the K&N free flow filter design although the material used is foam. Its a lean burn engine and should achieve a decent 50kmpl if driven sensibly even in city.
Note: At this time of writing the review as I had told the bike was brand new and had done only less than 500 kms in total. Hence as per instructions it was driven under 50 kmph speeds.
Last week the vehicle had done 1000 kms. So me and my brother tried to drive more speeds and wanted to get a feel of it. When we reached 60kmph speed we started feeling vibrations. At 65 the vibration was so high that it felt like driving a moped. We tried 70+ speeds and it was unbearable vibrations. It was very dissapointing for us. It felt like we were ripping a TVS 50 moped or so. Even at 70 I could feel the engine screaming like asthough we were driving around 100+ kmph speeds.
I am not sure whether its a problem pertaining with only our bike or a general behaviour. I am planning to contact the service engineers. Will post more upates then.
The mileage looks to be in the range of 55 kmpl if driven at 50 kmph speeds.
To conclude If you are looking for a sporty zippy city bike GO FOR IT !!!!!!!!!!
Added comments on 9th June 2008.
Now the bike which we had bought has completed 2800 kilometers and last week I dropped it at service station for the second free service. The main problem which I noticed was the VIBRATIONS creeping in at 60+ speeds. It was very sad that even after 2800 kms also this hasnt changed. I spoke with the service engineer and he confirmed that this is the problem with Apache and that nothing can be done. :( and that we need to live with it. It was depressing to hear this that with so much expectation on Apache that we purchased it. I found a solution to this. The vehicle has got loads and loads of Low end power i.e at lower engine speeds (RPMs) the engine pulls well, its the problem with the Top end power. We went hunting for smaller rear chain sprockets. Atlast we found that Yamaha RXGs 39 teeth rear sprocket fits the apache without any modification. Apaches rear sprocket has 44 teeth and is the main reason for superb pickup, but the engine seems to over rev. even at speeds of 50kmph (4000 rpm to reach 50kmph speed).
So we went to a local mechanic removed the wheel and fitted the smaller Yamaha sprocket with 39 teeth which was ofcourse smaller than the original apaches. It costed around 120 Rs. I am sure you can purchase in 2 wheeler spareparts shop. After this there was better performance from the bike. Bike reached 60 kmph at 4000 rpm. and 75kmph at 5000 rpm. And we felt the vibrations now creeping in at around 70kmph. It was a relief. I personally feel that if you can somehow get a 35 or 36 teeth rear chain sprocket somehow matching for this vehicle it would be great, but it looks like its tough to get this. Or you can get this 39 teeth sprocket and increase the size of the front sprocket (the smaller one which is on the engine / gearbox side) by one or two teeth. In replacing the sprockets please be careful that its perfectly aligned.
Added on 21st June
Hi Guys,
Today we got the 15 teeth sprocket from the machining guy. It costed around 600 Rs. The name of the machine shop is Raju industries located in JC Road. Or you can find a good machining guy who can do this job. As I had explained earlier the original sprocket on the front side of the chain drive is 13 teeth.
After replacing the chain sprocket we took the bike for a ride from bangalore (Marathalli) to the new International airport. The bike made 70 kmph at 4000 rpm against the original setting which makes this speed available at around 6000 rpm. The pickup due to this new setting is reduced but looks quite in the acceptable range (Not suggested for guys who wish to jump signal and participate in signal to signal sprinting races). This would be great for people who wish to cruise smoothly at around 70 to 80 kmph with the engine running at relaxed comfortable speeds and gives u better mileage. guys driving in hilly areas like kodaikanal, Ooty need to think twice before doing this.
I can guarantee you that you will get a totally different feeling. Definitely great feeling on long trips and crusing.
The Address of the Chain Sprocket Fabricator
Mr. Balakrishna Raju N
Raju Industries
(GearCuttings and Gear Box)
#27/2-2, Ranoji Rao Street, Kalasipalayam, Bangalore -560002
Phone : 2670812
Note: You can alternatively go for Bajaj M80 bikes chain sprocket which has 36 teeth. This costs you around 120 Rs. You can get it drilled as per the original sprocket dimensions (the apache sprocket fitting holes for the bolts). this drilling might cost you around 100 Rs.