Hi guys . I own tvs apche for th elast 6 months .
at first the engine was very harsh noisy and it used <br/>
to give a lot of vibarations . later on it became smooth but not assmooth as it shuld get .
i drove my friends apache who has rode 5000km ( me tooo) and I can say only 1 thing that the bike was ultra smmoth. there was no vibaration at all at speed of 70 80 km/hr .
so why mineis still giving such vibration prob. I went to the service centre andthey said that the bike is fine and there is no vibration at all . buti am not fully satisfied with it . plz help my guys .
suggest me whtshuld be done to eliminate the vibrations . in running in period inever rode the bike at speed above 45 but I dont know that still itgives a lot of vibration at speed of 60 . below 60 it is fine . whatshuld be done guys . plz help me