Hi I purchase this bike 1 July and till now I have complete 6800 km riding ( In 2.5 Months).
I got these result & sharing with you.
Fuel Consumption : 50 - 60 Kms/h You will get 60 to 65 Ks/litre ( I think It is enough for a 150cc range bike). I ride this bike on 118 km/h Speed and got only 30 Kms/litre ( That was amazing first time I drive any bike at this speed ) So Fuel consumtion is in your own hand.
Comfort : On long drive like 150 km or 250. Your Hips will not alow You To sit on it Seat is not realy comfortable. They Should do some thing with This.
Reliability : Onse I went on long drive like Delhi to Bareilly (270 Km one side ) and return at same day. I feel free With Apache. No Prob At All Leaving my Hips Condition.
Handling and Control : I told u befour I ride this bike on 118 kms/h. It Was totly in controle and What about handling is too easy.
Looks : COOOOOOOOOOOOOL If it not looks cool I didnt not buy it.
Overall It is a Right choice in 150cc range of bikes.