Hi folks...
Herz wat I feel....
Basiccaly I am a newbie...
As in , I jus learned to ride a bike abt 4 months back and my initial choicewasnt even a 150 cc bike and I was apprehensive if I cud handle so much power etc...
Foremost, the 1st reason for buyin this vehicle ws that there ws already a Unicorn wid my roomie and pulsar hadnt cum outt wid the new model yet(which btw is totally awesum... totally value for money nw.. :) )
Secondly, since I ws new, it wasnt a problem wid the gears and I had no problems gettin used to this kind of gear system...
Looks wise, its the best in the segment... tho the new pulsar is close wid its cool hedlites and electrnic apparels.
Even the mileage is pretty decent for a 150 cc bike. I get a decent one of abt 62 when I ride below 60kmph and abt 45-55 when the speedss increase. But then again wat use is a 150cc if there is no speeed... Pls keep the speed limits in mind though.
Initially , when I bot the bike I thot that since I ws kinda new to bikes, changing gears ws a headache jus for me. But then I realised that the Apache gears are pretty bad. They clatter, chatter and all of a sudden at the most weirdest moments decide to go into false neutrals.... Sply when one brakes abruptly with the clutch pressed, its like hell finding the 1st gear back....When I rode a unicorn did I realise that apaches gear system ws flawed. Unicorn is an awesum bike, great mileage, decent control and I believe wud be the best for a newbie...Jus that its heavier and can be lil difficult to control at tymes.... but then its jus I feel.
Even the shock absorbers are pretty bad compared to eitrher unocrn or pulsar, but then it cn be an advantage if u hv ur babe wid u behind...
If only the gear system wud improve and the weird sound that it makes at higher speeds....
Also, somehow, the service done by TVS service station guys screw up the bike further. After my 3rd service, my brakes were completely gone, mileage had fallen big time and could experience some problems wid the chain too.
In short, a great bike with amazing looks and control. But the best would be to takke a test ride of all the bikes befor finally decing which one suits u.