THIS IS MY RE-REVIEW OF APACHE----->>> It has being 1 month I have owned it.i have even got it serviced once THS TIME I WILL GIVE U ALL DETAILS I CAME TO KNOW AND SOMETHING MORE: THIS BIKE IS REALLY HOTTTT!!! THERE IS NOT A DAY ANT DOES NOT ASK ME ABOUT THIS BIKE.IE HOW IS ITS MILAGE ETC AND HOW MUCH IT COSTS ETCC.... I QUOTE THIS AGAIN THIS BIKE WILL MAKE HEADS TURN AND SPECIALLY GIRLS. THEY LOVE THIS.. Now on the bike, i own red apache . which looks hot. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::THE BIKE::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;; HEAD LIGHTS: the lights are as good as one can get , really good quality with high beam and low beam options DESIGN: it is new and looks really good. ................................................................................................ HUD: The hud is equiped a RPM METER , SPEEDOMETER , OIL METER.The oil meter will also show neutral indicator and also the zoom and cruise modes. THE HUD MAY LOOK QUICKLY FINISHED OFF BUT IT IS OKAY FOR ME.IT IS ALL YOU NEED BUT A SIDE STAND LIGHT IS WHAT IS ACTUALLY LACKS.... DESIGN: The design is not that gud or breathtaking as in case of karizma but okay. ......................................................................................................... BODY: The body is really the main attraction of this bike the tankers shape is something to look for the edges give a mean look with those curves... the seating is comfortable but is short in length , the height of bike is on the shorter side but okay for just 5.5 feet tall so it good for me. Also the finishing is pretty nice and the tail lights are weel designed but it could have bein made better the locker is all you now as it comes in most bikes like in the pulsar 180.same as thaT PERFORMANCE AND HANDLING:: Handling for me at first was bit tricky as I could not really get hold of gear shifting, i could not really get the gear to get back on neutral, it took me some time and practice but I got hold of it...... THE BIKE IS GREAT ON 5TH GEAR.IT HAS GREAT PICK UP!! IT MAKE MAY NOISES ON THE 1 GEAR BUT REST IS FINE ON 5TH GEAR JUST ZOOOOOOOOMM...... BRAKING SYSTEM IS ALSO THE BEST AS YOU CAN GET!THE DISC BRAKES ARE BETTER THAN MOST BIKES AS I HAVE STOPPED THE BIKE AT 70 ON DISC AND I WAS FINE... THE DRUM BRAKES ARE GOOD TO BUT A LITTLE FAR AND NOT AS NEAR AS IN PULSAR. THE BIKE WILL ATTAIN A SPEED OF 110 TO MAX WHICH IS WHAT I GOT the milage is around 55-50 with tyres with alloys and nice road gripping and you wont fall, that is sure .the tires are wider than pulsar or unicorn. the handling is very smooth and it got even better after my service ... this is all I have to say!!!