Hello every one in there.
this review is a very in depth comparison between pulsar and apache.
pulsar looks definitely male, its length, height, sexy doom, rear end, side view of fuel tank, the seat, handle etc. apache on the same side looks well but the tank, doom, are not up to pulsar.
pulsar has superb pickup apache has got no initial pick up.even the gear shifting is worst in apache.even the suspension is just copied from pulsar.listen to the engine sound pulsar has a vey nice beat but apache has worst one.
one thing guys m just saying about rhe generic opinion wat people have on tvs products is
tvs products will be good for first few months afterwards they wil show their original behaviour i.e. they make different types of noice.the parts of tvs are the worst.even apaches are not good.just remember the tvs fiero f2.how it was released. even it has got very popularity for more than one year.after it got falied.tvs bikes are very difficult to maintain.tvs is the worst ever company .they dont know to produce rocking bikes.they r fit only for producing tvs 5o.
apache looks are definetly female.we dont have road grip on apache.
please the pache owners dont feel sad to know this.
m sure u wil face these probs very soon.m not cursing you, but sorry to this I feel mercy, pity on you.dont blame me.even my friend blamed and bought apache, but he got realized.
dont wanna agree with me?
ok then test ride both.u wil surely feel the diff.when ever I see apache I pity it.the damn machine born to weep.
ok guys conclusion
always pulsar is the sexiest, most powerfull, in almost all the features compared in present 150 cc bikes.and next apache will (oh sorry, not wil) shall not rock ever.
all apaches have to bow down in front of pulsars.pulsar is the emperor of bikes in any segment.
check out even p220 cc.the way he looks.
be proud the pulsarians.u do need to feel proud to ride the emperor.