I am in Chennai and I bought a TVS apache rtr fi on 16oct09. Till date my vehicle had consumed 3000 kms. Till date I am getting very low mileageof hardly 40 kms/litre and I never bothered about the mileage. There is a major problem in the bike vehicle gets switched off automatically very often and this as been informed to TVS authorized dealer GOODWILL AUTOMOTIVE -Anna nagar, Chennai. But only the name of the showroom is GOODWILL but they do not have good intention to see the customer problem and TVS motor company also does not care for the product they sell.
I have registered my problem in TVS website but till date I have not got any reply from them.It is a very irritant bike and we can not guess when the vehicle will switch off and many occasions in the middle of the traffic bike will get switch bu by using self starter it will start but after 100 mts it will again get switch.daily minimum 7 to 8 times vehicle will get switch off automatically.I am planning to file a suit against them for mental agony due to the bike.
Dear friends, please do not buy TVS product for heaven sake.