this is what they all look like.
Hey - I sent to see apache and found the looks great. And hey, I decided to sit on the bike and saw this switch and a kick- and decided to kick it.
and hey - it fired first time real great hey, there was this dug-dug-dug-dug sound and it reminded me the time I used to sit on this tree and imagine I was riding a bike.
so I ran it first gear, pressed the brakes and decided, this is enuf for MS site.
the specs are /. 150 cc, 2 wheels, alloys, electronic dish-washer that will let u see the fuel as well. blah blah blah
but wait for more as I test it in the next few days.
guys- go take a leak somewhere else.
and f- the bike man - please rate this review and comment on it. ( I mean I dont know the first thing about bikes but I got this friends circle and all of us write and rate each other gud)
yep - I do recommended the bike (ere someone on the comments decides I am not good enuf to contradict a bike that just got the bike of the year).
and dont forget to review this review and mark it good and useful what - I love getting attention.
next - I am going to ride a comanche women, and then sioux falls. Till then, dug-duggies on apache.
and MS - pls knock off the new bike review section - it sucks - it really sucks. After reading them, I dont know whether to take the bike or write about this ride I had on this crater on the moon.