Hi guys, ive a got new apache. I am from Bangalore. Its covered just 340km. Riding, handling, style everything is excellent.
Last friday, I sensed petrol leakage, but could find anything tangible. On saturday morning, I saw petrol spilt near the main stand, in 2 spots. Later I found leakage from the fuelcock screws. When I approched the nearest TVS service station, they just cleaned up the fuelcock, for, they cudnt find any "complaints" as such. Reason being, when the engine heats up, petrol evaporates and when it becomes cold, it starts dripping.
Yesterday morning, I saw petrol dripping again and this time, to my utter dismay, I found out that the leakage is from the petrol tank itself!!! And for this reason petrol was spilt in 2 places. The sealant was causing the problem. Today I got the fuelcock replaced. For TVS, this could a minor manufacturing defect but for the end user it is a real disappointment and waste of money. I lost around 5litres of petrol just because of TVS!!!! I wanted to inform TVS but their contact page is down.