User Comments bad exeperience with 180 rtr by sanjeev kumar (not verified) - 12/22/2010 - 19:15 Dear Sir ,
I have Purchased TVS RTR -180 From Binsar Motors (100 loni road delhi. Sir today on dated 21/12/2010 only 47-days pased from purchased date but I am suffering lots of problems from your bike in every 2-3 days the air pressuer is leak very quickly from both tyers. Binsar service station have no machine for check the tyres. than I went to TVS Srichakra ghaziabad on dated 18/12/2010. they cheked the tyre &told that tyres are ok & you will not suffering from leakage problem in feature. but I am suffering problem till date continuously. Today I am again visit TVS Srichakra ghaziabad but they told me the mechanic will meet only Saturday & Tuesday.
Sir this is Right please tell me?
Sir my reg no. DL-5S AB 9298, Kindly look into the matter seriously & kindly solve my problem.
Sanjeev Kumar
10B/91, Shiv mandir gali no.9, Maujpur Delhi-110053
Bike r no-DL-5S AB-9298
Mobile-09711310792, 9891313447