Compare any 150cc bikes. A best class bikes are
TVS Apache e-surge 150
Honda Unicorn 150 with Alloy wheels
CBZ Extreme 150
Pulsar 150 DTSi
Note: Above is not the rating, it’s only the list
I have driven almost all kind of above mentioned bikes and finally purchased TVS Apache, just because it was not with anyone in my family and friends.
*After 2000 kms run today I get following benefits from apache
*1. Good Performance
Superb breaking
Gears shifting are normal(not very hard and not smooth as unicorn but Equal to pulsar).
No False Neutrals
Smooth Clutch
Most important: Mileage 60=+.
Following are the few biking tips which will help for you to get best out of your bike. These tips applies for almost all 4 stroke bikes
* 1. Configure it to 1000 rpm or between 1000 to 1200 rpm
*Gear Shifting:
*1st Gear - Starting gear for 4 and 5 gears bike.
2nd Gear - Between 10kmph to 20kmph
3rd Gear - Between 20kmph to 30kmph
4th Gear - Between 30kmph to 45kmph
5th Gear - Between 45kmph to 50kmph
Apache has advantage of non - viable engine on top gear at the speed of 20.But it is for extreme case to avoid show stopper and not the special feature
*1. Don’t ever pull the maximum throttle instantly as non of the bikes are designed for Super bike racing or motocross.
- Let the throttle goes gradually. Even if it takes 5 to 10 seconds to reach 50+ its ok, because ultimately you will gain smooth speed.
If you watch the Super bike race closely, you will notice that none of the racer apply maximum throttle during initial gear shifts. If gear shifting patters does not match with the speed you will never achieve the smooth and maximum speed.
(Play NFS Underground - Sprint racing and see how the Cars gears shift should match with the speed. It displays whether Gear shift is Poor, good or perfect. This game is designed technically correct which matches real world cars and same applies to Bikes also).
*Most important factor while driving is safety and control. Today bikes come with front disk brakes and rear drum brakes. Most of the riders says its a stupid engineering as disk breaks should be at rear and drum should be at front, Which is absolutely wrong. 150cc to 200cc bikes are designed perfectly by hi-tech engineers considering the safety and performance.
How does it affect:
1. If rear breaks are disk, than any 150cc bikes with Slip on the road because it grips the roads instantly and front drum brakes will not match the rear breaking style.
2. On the contrary same is the case with front rear breaks, it you apply front disk breaks before rear breaks than you all know what happens.
3. Never ever apply breaks while turning or leaning on sharp turns. If you do so drum break liners will have problem and most importantly disk brakes are likely to fall down eventually.before turning apply brakes, come to the controlled speed and then turn. Even in case of emergency a little break will stop the bike on turning and you will avoiding skidding on turns. I have seen many accidents on turns.
The Technique is:
At any speed and at any condition if you had to apply breaks instantly first release the throttle than apply rear drum brakes and after one second apply front brakes. This wills not skit the bike(except wet or oily roads where all engineering fails) and you will get the speed in control within 2 seconds.
When you apply rear drum brakes first by releasing throttle rear tyre’s holds the road and than front disk brakes prevents it from skidding and you gain total control.
That is why front brakes are on throttle side(right side) always, means u has to release the throttle before applying front brakes, and Clutch is always at left side so that you can match the speed and gear shifts.
Horn is always at left side so that you get right hand engaged in speed control with breaking and simultaneously you can press Clutch and Horn button.
Thanks to automobile engineers.
*1. If your speed and gears are matching than don’t apply clutch while breaking(Many people do so and teach others the same which is wrong).
Clutch should only be used while shifting gears.
Apply clutch fully which shifting gears. Many people are habitual of applying half clutch during Gear shifts(Scooter riders and 100cc riders) which is wrong
Ensure that Clutch is pulled when shifting gears. Its only two seconds job - Apply full clutch, shift gears and release clutch. Practice will gain this perfection.
Most important - Keep a little margin(play) in clutch, about 1 cm. This will prevent excess fuel flow.
*1. Always sit in the posture of a commuter.
You should not bend more, bending means your body is rested on hands. If you do so you will always face back pain, wrist pain and forearms pain. Only racers do so because they have all kind of medical facilities and which is instantly accessed. In long term this kind of riding it is not recommended.
Do not ever sit too ahead or too back on the seat, sit in such position so that your hands are not straight on handle and there is a small curve from wrist to shoulder. This will prevent strain on shoulder and wrist and you can avoid back pain.
*1. If possible use Bridgestone tyres else other tyres are OK for city driving.
Use only standard Engine Oil such as Castrol or premium branded 4T engine oils.
Change engine Oil after every 2500 to 3000 kms run.
Change the Filter after every 4000 kms. Clean the filter after every 1500 kms run.
Always use SPEED petrol or POWER Petrol.
Decide the Break style(tight or loose) and your leg position on the break as per your comfort. Maintain it to avoid leg pain, once you are comfortable with breaks style keep it constant as loose breaks may confuse you and tight breaks might irritate you.
Shock Absorber servicing after every 5000 kms run.
Chain fitting after every 4000 kms run
Any other Spare parts fitting
Do it from service centre or from road side garage. Always ensure above things and you will get optimum performance always.
Always follow traffic rules. They are for your safety.
Always Wear Helmet. That is for rider’s safety
Do not overtake speeding vehicle.
Do not overtake or race during night if you do not have clear visibility at lest 20 feet’s ahead.
If you start the bike after a gap of 10 hours, keep on the ideal for at lest 1/2 minute. This will generate enough heat to keep engine running smoothly.
Finally, riding is just not racing; it should be fun and pleasure with safety and comfort.
Love your machine and machine will love you.