I just got my Apache and its been a 5 months old now. I am proud to say that I am ruling the roads with apache. This bike definitely will make u feel proud.The ad say this that its now or never.
i personally think that pulsar, unicorn and apache are all best bikes. but u should go for Apache, Initially u will have problem with gear shift, but that is common with all bikes.
Gradually the gear shift problem will cease and the gears will be very smooth like butter, I have myself ridden about 5000 kms and its become hell lot of smooth.
People who say that there are lot of vibrations, would like to ask thm only one question to them , that which bike in the world does not have vibrations?all the bikes have vibrations and there has to be vibrations coz it is the law of nature.
Even the world famous Rollsryce has vibrations, but that does not mean that it is bad.I agree that there are vibrations, but eventually it will cease and the vibration are not that noticable, atleast in my bike I have not noticed. and tell me how many of you are gonna ride on roads with a speed of 80-100KPH .
I believe on indian roads and traffic, its just not posible. and believe me that when u drive this wild beast at 50-60, its the king.
One more thing, that it is maintainance free bike and the customer service of TVS bikes is realy nice.Also this bike has great seating comfort and u can drive this tiger all day along.u weill never get tired riding it.
Pulsar has the problems of backache and wrist ache after u ride it for long. Ride it to believe it.Apache has all the comfort of a car rolled into the bike.u feel that u are driving a car.I also agree that initally u cant race it wih pulsar, but jut wait and watch once the bike is 1500 kms old and engine is free, then u can easily breeze past pulsar.Guys I also have huge respect for pulsar coz it is also a great bike but I definitely think that this mean machine can compete with pulsar.