I live in chennai. I own an Apache RTR fi 160 since 2009. I did not have any problems till 2014, when my bro didnt service it properly for 6-9 months and had to undergo a major service costing around Rs19000.
Recently there was this flood in chennai and my bike was half drowned in water. I took my my bike to Ramkay TVS velacherry and they changed the oil and did a emergency service. I rode some 20kms and parked my bike near vadapalani for a night and the next day it was not starting at all. I took it to Prabha TVS at vadapalani and they refused to take the bike for service. They told me that Fi is a failure model and even the watchman is asking me not to park near their showroom. I parked it near their showroom giving Rs100 to the watchman to take care of my bike.
That is TVS doesnt have technicians/mechanics to service an Fi engine. They all are local mechanics without proper training. If they cannot provide service, then why do they manufacture an Fi engine?
Then two day later again I asked if they could service my bike and they said no. and I went there to check if my bike was still there and wanted to give it a try. I switched off the power button and kicked two times and switched on the power button and kicked, it started and is running smooth as ever.
I trust this bike at all times, not like a carburettor engine. but I dont trust the service centres. I was looking for some private shop to do the tuning and stuff in channai but didnt find any. Even at cold condition or if I have parked the bike for long, one kick and it starts to run.