Engine oil leakage problem: The engine oils spills a lot(especially after 1 to 2 years of usage). So much so that your hands might get greasy.
Servicing is not up to the mark. Service centers suffer from shortage of spare parts almost anytime of the year.
Elaborate charges on servicing: After free servicing period, it might be a wiser option to switch to a trusted local mechanic,
Seating position: You might have to lean a bit more to get hold of the handle bar. This kind of position might not be suitable for middle aged people, or people with weak elbows or hands or people who often travel longer distances everyday. In that respect it is clearly not a commuter friendly bike.
Pillion rider seating position is a bit higher which might not be suitable to some people.
Strong pickup is the one thing that sets this bike apart. However engine wear and tear is faster too.
Maneuvering is slightly difficult when compared to other bikes in similar category.
If you are person looking for a bike to show off and need a beast like pickup, then go for it. Be aware that it is not a commuter bike.