Here I m tell you about tvs apache rtr 160, this bike is very cool and stylish and look very sexy and scary.
I m using this bike since last year and the comfort level of this bike is good. This bike creats the power of 15.2bhp and the pic up of this bike is awesome, the tvs motor claimed the top speed of apache 160 is 118 but I touched130km/h easily.this bike is so stylish and m very happy to have this kind of bikes, this bike and easily beat pulsar 150 and most of the 150cc bikes because of its high performance.
The fuel efficiency is quite good for normal peoples riding at the speed of 50-60km/h but if you use this bike so rough and tough the average of this bike will automatically reduce.
I m usimg this bike roughly so it is giving the average of 30km/h but normal riders the company claimed approx 45km/h.this bike is too good.