There arent any reviews for this bike and so I thought I should tell you about my experiences with it. I had a TVS Champ when I was 15, and I loved it. I think for the city its still a great bike to have around. No problems, fast start and better still, the fact that you can peddle if you get stuck with no fuel!
You get a good mileage on the bike - about 45 to 50 kpl. The speeds are not all that bad, if you were to keep the bike in real good condition you could zoom at 50. Which is a good enough speed, and would really be fast enough in the city. I mean, even me with my CBZ cant seem to go more than 40 with the traffic.
Yes, you could say there is no style in it, but hey... It all depends on how innovative you are! There are really quite a lot of things you could do to spruce this bike up...
I do recommend this bike for the city. Although its been quite a long time since I rode this bike, I had it for about a year and I really liked it.