My Fiero FX -Drum brakes, Kick Start will be completing 4 long years this November. The bike has officially clocked 38K kilometres(Unofficially around 45K. This was because the speedo cable had snapped and I was having dificulty finding a spare. Later on, me and my mechanic experimented with a TVS Victor cable and it worked.
Fuel Consumption - Initially it used to deliver a mileage of around 65KMPL( Hard to believe). then it dropped to 55KMPL. I get this abnormally high mileage because the air setting screw on the carburettor is Jammed at the leanest position(Manufacturing defect) hence the high mileage. but there is a lack in performance. But the performance is OK for normal commuting.
Comfort - The bike is very comfortable. the sitting position is in between that of a Cruiser and a sports bike, but serves the purpose.
Reliability - Till date I have not faced reliability issues except on One occasion. The day was when I gave my boss a lift on my bike. The bike suddenly went off on the middle of the road. I tried every method that I knew to rectify the fault but to no avail. Some how I started the bike and dropped my boss to his destination.
That was the only time that my boss had hitched a ride onmy bike and I guess he would never take a ride with me. The problem was a fault spark plug cap. Apart from this I have never had a problem on this bike.
Handling & Control - Although the performance of this bike is good, this bike is not meant for racing or speeding. The bike feels light as compared to a pulsar. but high speed stability is not as good as that of Other 150cc bikes.
Looks -dated. Period. There is a lot that can be written about this bike but to sum it all, good performance, excellent mileage, low maintenance and reliabilty makes it a pleasure to own this bike. Although avialibility of spares is an issue.