I am new to this site. I need a help from you all to decide on which bike should I buy? My requirements:
1. Well, main purpose is to commute a total distance of around 35km a day.
2. At present feel like for short term. Max 1 year use
3. Of course good looking and decently powerful
1. Price (since its for short term I can go upto 60K but prefer a better bargain for less than 40K)
2. Decent mileage
3. Looks
4. At least moderately powerful (should be able carry at least 2 ppl without any problem :)
5. Comfort and ride quality (can compromise a bit but not too much)
Few of the bikes I have my eyes set on:
TVS Flame, Bajaj Discover, Platina, Suzuki Heat, Hero Honda Glamour(not FI, coz it costs me 69K).
Could you guys give me ur sugesstions? Even if you know some other bike that I havent mentioned.
Okay, I didnt want to write long post and bore you. But system says I have to write at least 150 words. So, few more things I would like to tell you:
1. Road I travel is a bit more slippery than required. Thats one of the reason I am not inclined to XCD. So safety is also of a little concern.
Your special opinion on models I have mentioned
Your opinions on Hunk, Karizma and Karizma R...
How many of you are waiting for Stunner :)