I purchased TVS flame in 2008 October. It came with a defective Carburetor. The showroom people took about a month to replace the defective unit. The engine is not very powerful when compared to the 125cc of its class like splendor 125cc or glamor or shine or stunner or xcd.
It lacks pick up. Complete Body vibration.
I took very good care of my bike, service for every 3 months and very very careful driving. Even then engine problems started and now my mechanic advised me to exchange my bike.
TVS company gives Performance kit for free(new piston, sparkplug, clutchplates, carburetor) for defective vehicles which are under warrenty( 2 yrs from date of purchase or 25, 000 km which ever is earlier). I didnt know abt this till this 21st nov,
Now I will have to spend a lot on new parts to get my vehicle into condition(which is not assured of performance) or exchange my bike which will even cost more.
I have spent around 56, 000 rupess and purchased a bike from TVS company. Dont they have the minimum responsibility of intimating its poor customtakeouters that they are giving a part replacement.
I will put TVS into a big trouble if it is gonna make such kind of a bikes again and play up peoples hard earned money! For TVS 56k might not mean much, but for a guy like me its 1yr savings.
Hope some one in TVS company should read it.
Sridhar Nag S