My-self Vinod kumar lingam frm bilaspur chhattisgarh, this is my third Bike I bought it by seeing my fathers TVS EXCEL SUPER which is very smooth, heavy duty, economy and durable. so I thought of going for TVS this time. so I opened the web site and gone for the review which impressed me a lot so on the day of DIWALi I bought it as Goddess Laxmi. This diwali will be the Third year.
My bike is like every thing to me, in the morning I clean my bike and by 10 oclock I go to my work place on my bike just 4.5 KM, I the afternoon by 2 oclock back home for lunch, by 4.30 oclock I go to the work place and come back home by 6.30 oclcok and then keep my bike in the garage at home. total 20-25 KM per Day. Till know 42242 KM till date and 60th day Engine Oil change.
From last few days my bike is giving trouble - in Rs 100 for petrol its giving only 25-30 KM and spark plug is getting short till now two got replaced in a week. so I went to the agency CHANDRA MOTERS were it was inspected outside the agency and was told the engine failed and to get it repaired you have to give advance of Rupees 3000.00 and you will be intimated in a week or two when my bike can be repaired after the spears available with the Depot and the total expense will be around 6000.00 to 8000.000. when I asked for the guarantee he just laughed.
in the same time my friend having Discover (BAJAJ) he never take such care but still 4 years after he only changed back wheel Tyre and tube only.
I am Disappointed.