I got a TVS Flame Double spark plug model which TVS promised 80 km per litre on 20/02/08. I was really impressed with the way the vehichle behaved. It gave me about 50 - 55 per litre in City Drive. I was quite happy with the vehicles performance till first service.
A month later TVS guys called me and told me that you wont be getting the Spares in futures for twin spark plug model , at free of cost we will change your engine head and eletrical fittings. So come to the showroom and fit it up at free of cost. I was happy with vehichles performance and later I got confused whtr it will create a prblm in selling the vehicle in future. So I decided to go for single spark plug.
TVS very clearly got a written letter signed from the customer even if you want to go for it or if you dont want to go for it.( Reason behind this is we cant sue them up at any stage ). then I told them to change it to single spark plug mode, two days later they gave me the vehicle.
It wasnt performing as like I driven it for last two months, In slow speed it gets into high throtle, vehicle is behaving too odd, I could realize that there is some prblm with the way the mechanics fit it up. I went and complainted them, after long discussions we both agreed to go with Twin spark plug, they put my old engine back in place. After that things were really horrible. This all happend when I went for the 2nd service.
Now I am almost neared to the 3rd service, I am getting a milege of 30 kms per litre and 25 sometimes, I drive in jayanagar area where the traffic is not so high . I went to them and complained to them. They took the vehicle for service and two days later when I went for pick it up, they said evverything is rite, you can take it up , we verified and it will give you 55 they said.
I told them I am willing to do a road test with your mechanic which they have done once before during first service which showed up 55. We filled up 100 ml petrol in the test kit and started our test ride, we got 3.1 in the first test, again mechanic did some changes and we again did a test drive this time it gave us 3.4. So 34 per litre.
Finally I want to convey you all that TVS has not good mechanics in any of their work shops. I thought of going to TVS Apache, Concerning mileage, I went for FLAME. Now I feel I have made a mistake.
As someone said, Tyres are so slippery in rainy conditions. You need to be very careful while driving in rainy days
those who look for getting new bikes, my Suggestion is go for proven vehicles which is in market already. dont make the same mistake I have done
I am not mentioning that TVS is bad, I strongly agree that TVS Apache is one of the class vehicle. With Flame my view is not a proven and test vehicle.
Update on July 21st 2008 :
I went to TVS regional office in bangalore and met the regional sales manager and told him my concern , they appointed a engineer who came with me to the service center immediately and they took one week from last week. They have proved that they have some technically sound , they rectified the milegae to 5.5 kms / 100ml of petrol and then we both agreed to change the twin spark plug to single. After changing to the single spark plug my vehicle is giving me 60 + kms milege. I am really happy with the way my vehicle behaved today. I am going to check it for next one week and post a update again.
Thanks guys ( Engineers and TVS mechanic).......!!!