I have been driving TVS Jive bike since last 2.5 years. This is my experience with the bike after 2.5 years of driving on the vehicle.
The Auto Clutch feature is the best feature which I liked of this bike. This feature relieves my left hand fingers the pain which I used to experience ever now and then when ever I used to press clutch in the traffic.
Any gear start is another feature which I liked about the bike. Though the bike starts in auto gear only with button start. To start it with kick, one has to bring the bike in neutral. The pickup is fine for an 110 CC bike. One has to start the bike from 1st gear to get a good pickup. The bike speed does not go above 90 even on full throttle with pillion rider.
Regarding mileage, initially after two services I was getting a mileage of 68 but after 2.5 years the mileage has dropped to 60. I have been religious to regularly get my bike serviced on time.
One of the cons is the bikes company tyres are not good. I have skidded a number of time on applying both the brakes even on speeds of 40. This is one of the most dangerous issue with the bike as this can lead to fatal injuries specially during rainy season. Ofcourse this risk can be mitigated by changing to other good tyres.
Apart from this I have no issues with the bike.