With changing times and pathetic traffic worsening over a period of time, I decided to go gearless with TVS Jupiter. After lots of research, test rides, meeting different dealers across the city, I decided for TVS. I previously owned a Yamaha FZs which ran for 14224kms.
I enjoyed my time with Yamaha but it did burn a hole in my pocket. Mileage dropped drastically after 8th service to 30kms per liter from 38kms per liter in city traffic. Plus frequent gear changes made it horrible for me to stick to Yamaha.
With TVS my initial experience was not good with the dealer on Dr. Rajkumar Road. I went to a different dealer in Domlur who helped me buy TVS Jupiter. Excellent service I should say. He gave me a true value for my Yamaha Bike. Currently my scooter has 92kms done. Mileage I shall update in due course of time. The scooter is in running period. Mr. Imtiaz Pasha from Domlur Tristar TVS was really good. My entire sales experience was smooth.
Coming to the engine quality its butter smooth, good sturdy scooter and excellent features made it a Value for Money product for me compared to Honda ones. I had booked Honda Dio but because of waiting period I De-listed Honda. If I compare Hondas features with TVS, I found TVS as a VFM product. Hence the decision. When you want to commute in city sufficient engine power and torque is enough to take you through. Will update once my first service is done.
Review after 429kms as on 26th September, 2014: Approx 250-300kms away from First Service. Coming to mileage. The first fuel filled was 2.66litres with 1 litre of petrol got with the scooter on delivery. The Scooter covered 183kms in moderate to free traffic. Mileage= 183/3.66= 50kms per litre. Second Fill full tank. The scooter gets full at 4.5litres of petrol.
I dont understand if they are saying 5litres tank, where does the 0.5litre of capacity go? The Scooter covered 215 kms. This was covered in bumper to bumper traffic majority of the times say 70% and 30% free traffic. Mileage= 215/4.5= 47.78 kms per litre. I have maintained a speed of 40kms per hour for the running period of first 1000kms as mentioned in the manual and suggested by TVS people. Lets see how much it gives on third fill before going for 1st Service.
The engine is brilliant. Very smooth. Very linear in power output. I enjoy riding it. I always prefer Shell Petrol. I always kick start my scooter in the morning. Review after 653.5kms as on 30th September, 2014: My last fill was for 4.5litres and scooter covered 233kms. Mileage= 233/4.5= 51.78kms per litre. I did had a pillion rider with me for most of the time. The riding was in heavy traffic 50% and 50% in free traffic. Riding with pillion was in heavy traffic.
Review after 999kms as on 12th October, 2014: My last fill was for 4.5litres and scooter covered 214.2kms. This fill was after first service. I filled Shell Super Premium Petrol and ride was in heavy traffic for 80% of the time. Mileage= 214.2/4.5= 47.6kms per litre. Ideally Mileage should go up after first service. I have done another full tank and will give out results soon.
Service Experience was smooth and good. Gave my scooter in Tristar TVS Domlur and got it back within 4hours. I paid 324/- Rs for Change in Oil and Labour Charges. I have consistently maintained an average speed of 40kms per hour through out my running period. I shall maintain a speed of 45-50kms per hour post running period. The person in Tristaar TVS has asked to maintain a speed of 45-50kms or keeping the speed within the green band on the indicator till 2000kms are done.
Review after 1229kms as on 17th October, 2014: Last fill was 4.5litres. The scooter covered 251.3kms. Kept a speed of 45-50kms per hour on free roads. Mostly city riding. Had pillion for 25kms. Mileage= 251.3/4.5= 55.8kms per litre. I had used fuel of BPCL. Reveiw after 1328kms as on 29th October, 2014: Last fill was 2.66litres. The scooter covered 145kms. Mileage= 145/2.66= 54.5kms per litre.
I didnt use the scooter for 9days. On 10th Day one kick and the scooter started without any hassles inspite of cold climate in Bangalore.Review after 4500kms and 3 services done as on 28th March, 2015: The Mileage has reduced to 45-48kms per liter. The scooter has stopped suddenly three times while riding. It did not start for a while.
After waiting for few minutes it started again. I brought it to the notice of the TVS Service people. It was fixed in the third service. Since the third service it has been more than 2 weeks, the scooter has been true to its performance without any issues. Pick up is good and the overall the power distribution while riding. Since I shifted to Mumbai, the Siddivinayak TVS Service, Goregaon people has been consistently calling me for feedback on the performance of the scooter and after sales service. As per my knowledge, I had used Bajaj and Yamaha bikes, none of them used to call for feedback on the product and after sales service. I find this really cool with TVS.
So far the experience had been great with the product and service. Yamaha service was just ok comparatively and bajaj was little above Yamaha in after sales service. Product of Bajaj was the least satisfactory with Yamaha being the second and TVS is first. Yamaha is my second preference because of Sub-Par mileage given by their bikes. I had used Yamaha FZs for 18months and rode 14250kms approx. The mileage was 25-30kms per liter. This mileage continued even after bringing to the notice of Yamaha Service people in Bangalore. Overall I am satified with the performance, mileage, comfort and after sales service of the scooter so far.